Originally Posted by lulu
You've got it - your use of the word 'geeky' already implies lack of support.

That's only true if you lack geek pride. Geek is a positive form of identification in our family and that was the way in which I used the word.

Originally Posted by lulu
Oh - and most kids can hit a ball, kind of dance, and swim. These are pretty natural processes for most kids and the range of when it happens is in the long run not particularly significant.

I may have gotten the wrong impression from the earlier post. I thought it was talking about successes in the form of activities students chose to work at and be involved in such as training with the baseball team or preparing for recitals. To me that would be the functional equivalent of something like preparing for the science fair. Both of these activities suggest a level of involvement beyond - the more natural milestone of kicked the ball or spoke a two word sentence. I was curious if people see a different level of freedom of discussing things like the science fair versus the soccer team.

Originally Posted by lulu
I do think though, if this message board helps some parents deal with feelings of isolation - isn't that wonderful?

Hopefully a great beginning to bridging to more IRL support too.