Thanks Dottie. To be honest, I'm torn as to how much I should push this issue. There are a lot of things to be learned in school and one of them is a right relationship with authority; in this case the school administrators. It's a lesson that I need to re-study on a regular basis smile

He score was average. I am truly on the fence about having her repeat the class to ensure her success.....I see it as more environmental than ability, her test scores in her math ability are very high. She is 99% on her CogAT (version 6) in math, I believe that is the most comprehensive test she has taken to date. She also had an IQ of 143 on the WISC-R, so the ability is there.

She wasn't as motivated last year as she has been previously. There was no set aside GT program at our previous school. She went from being in a group of academically elite kids to being the girl in the class that "asked too many questions". It altered her outlook on the value of her academic ability and often complained about how much easier her (social) life would be if she wasn't so smart. Wow, between the education system and mean spirited middle schoolers, she's in for a bumpy ride!