Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
I wonder if we could talk a bit though about the idea that bragging about children's development is a part of parenting that all parents should enjoy and have a right to. I find the notion of bragging about the development or accomplishments of another person to be really odd. When I hear it I wonder about what is lacking in the life of the person bragging about their child. Most people learn to walk and read so these aren't rare accomplishments but for most people natural parts of development. To me it seems akin to bragging that your child has toes that are growing. It just is. I also wonder about the child's right to privacy in their development. I would personally not appreciate if my mother or husband or best friend had a blog devoted to talking about how precocious I am. Why is it more appropriate to do so if the person involved is too young to consent?

I think I will have to respectfully disagree with you here. I am fascinated by all the things my daughter does. Whether it be the fact that she's talking early or how quickly her precious little hands are growing. We didn't even know if it was possible if we would be able to have kids and so I am excited about absolutely everything she does.

I think the desire to share those things with others or not comes down to personality. I have some friends that are introverts and just prefer to keep these things to themselves. Others are extroverts (more like myself) and feel bottled up if they can't talk of their life and their family.

I do blog. A small part of that is wanting to share her accomplishments but there's also a lot more too that. It's extremely therapeutic for me to write about her. It helps me sort through my thoughts and adjust to my new roll as a mom. I only linked it here because I thought other parents might appreciate what I'm going through and/or it would bring back fond memories of their children's own infanthood. I don't see it as any different than a mom writing about her special needs child, or adopted child, or her normal developing child, etc.

ETA: I also wanted to mention that I do it to keep track of her milestones. I just am horrible at keeping a journal and this way I seem to be more motivated. My parents have absolutely no record of what I did as a child and I feel as if something was missing there.

Last edited by newmom21C; 08/02/09 12:35 AM.