Originally Posted by alli-cat10
It is in those meetings that we are able to partake without guilt in one of the pleasures of parenting--bragging on your kid. Good luck and know that you are not alone, you just have to find the right audience.

I certainly agree all people deserve to have support and understanding and I'm glad you found that.

I wonder if we could talk a bit though about the idea that bragging about children's development is a part of parenting that all parents should enjoy and have a right to. I find the notion of bragging about the development or accomplishments of another person to be really odd. When I hear it I wonder about what is lacking in the life of the person bragging about their child. Most people learn to walk and read so these aren't rare accomplishments but for most people natural parts of development. To me it seems akin to bragging that your child has toes that are growing. It just is. I also wonder about the child's right to privacy in their development. I would personally not appreciate if my mother or husband or best friend had a blog devoted to talking about how precocious I am. Why is it more appropriate to do so if the person involved is too young to consent?

I certainly understand why parents delight in seeing their children grow and discover the world. I personally that as something entirely distinct from bragging rights.