HG/PG kids are highly demanding. Sponges desperately seeking to soak up as much as they can, and early-on, that comes almost entirely from you. What responsibility! Exhausting! Here's the only advice I can offer (from my dim memories of the crazy days of having babies):

1. Try routines - 5 books mid-day or afternoon before "quiet time", 5 at bed-time, Puzzle-time, walk, lunch, quiet time, etc.
2. DH insisted on afternoon "quiet time" that the kids didn't have to sleep but had to be quiet in their bed--oftentimes they'd look through books on their own, but this time really was a saving grace for me.
3. Go for walks (it sounds like work, but it was therapeutic for me and there's so much to see to stimulate the kids)
4. Educational videos also gave me a reprieve (my oldest son was obsessed by dinosaurs at age 1 so we had all the Land Before Time videos. Now my youngest enjoys Planet Earth & Blue Planet & National Geographic)
5. If you get some time to yourself, you're better able to enjoy and nurture the gifts of your child. I'd take them to museums even very young, or do counting games, library programs, etc.
6. My 3rd son spent a lot of time playing math & reading games on the computer as young as 2.

I want to say it gets easier, but really it only got easier for me when I had another baby who could help entertain/play/interact.