Welcome to the wonderful but sometimes lonely world of being the parent of a gifted child. My daughter was advanced almost from the beginning and months ahead of many milestones. My husband and I quickly learned that we could not exchange stories with our friends the way others did as we were perceived as exaggerating or hopelessly bragging. Her achievements were our "secrets" and we were selective with whom we shared them with in our circles. Even our pediatrician was less than thrilled to hear about her extensive vocabulary during her one year check up. For three years we felt like very lonely and different parents. We knew she was smart and different but how different we had no clue. That is until her preschool teacher recommended we have her tested. Her scores put her in the PG range. With the help of our psychologist we were then able to connect with a group of parents of other gifted kids. It is in those meetings that we are able to partake without guilt in one of the pleasures of parenting--bragging on your kid. Good luck and know that you are not alone, you just have to find the right audience.