Beyond that I don't see why it is a threatening idea to consider maybe there are things we can do as parents of gifted kids to lessen our sense of isolation and to parent in ways that are authentic and comfortable with less risk of alienation of others.

I do believe that we can encourage or discourage tension in our daily circle of friends by avoiding the milestone conversations.
To be blunt my child is smarter than the other children in my circle, so I am not free to discuss my child's accomplishments. I can either win the one-up game or have friends. I choose the latter, and besides I am proud of their kids and don't want them to feel bad.

I believe that everyone needs a safe outlet & a place to brag without it being percieved as a one-up.
For my best friend that safe place is me....and for me, that safe place can only be here.
It's great to have a place where my kid is normal.
I think you all have wonderful children and I love to hear about them and their amazing abilities!
or maybe a 'gifted beer summit'. .... if only .......
beer & wine sound devine!