Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
I wonder if we could talk a bit though about the idea that bragging about children's development is a part of parenting that all parents should enjoy and have a right to. I find the notion of bragging about the development or accomplishments of another person to be really odd. When I hear it I wonder about what is lacking in the life of the person bragging about their child. Most people learn to walk and read so these aren't rare accomplishments but for most people natural parts of development. To me it seems akin to bragging that your child has toes that are growing. It just is. I also wonder about the child's right to privacy in their development. I would personally not appreciate if my mother or husband or best friend had a blog devoted to talking about how precocious I am. Why is it more appropriate to do so if the person involved is too young to consent?

This seems a most unusual point of view to me. I'm in a few different mom's organizations, and it seems to me that at least 50% of our discussions are about our kids. What's going on with them, challenges we're facing, and what milestones they are reaching. It's not really 'bragging' per se, but mostly about sharing our excitement about our kid's development. Watching kids grow and learn *is* exciting.

For me, if I talk about things my DD5 is doing, it is perceived as bragging because she is ahead. If I talk about my preemie twins who are slightly delayed due to their prematurity, no one even bats and eye or they even get excited with me. It feels very isolating not being able to discuss one of your kids. I wish I didn't have to edit out all cognitive things going on in her life.

Obviously, this all depends on the type of person the parent is, and the type of people they are talking to. I find moms discuss their kids more than dads. I find both types discuss their kids more with actual friends more than acquaintances, random coworkers or strangers. But all that being said, I have even heard my extremely introverted DH share with a friend that the twins are crawling now. smile

All that to say, that obviously you should do what you are comfortable with, but most parents I know like to be able to discuss their kids. Many, many moms I know also blog about their families and kids. It is a great way to share with distant family and friends what is going on in your life and also a great way to remember it later for yourself. (I don't remember much of my twins first year, for example.)

Just my $.02.