We had in the 504 that the teachers were to make sure DD writes in her planner what the homework is, and they were supposed to initial it even if there was no homework. Well, they weren't doing this at all. It was like we signed the 504 and no one bothered to even read what they signed. Did they think it was just a list of tips and not an actual legal document? I don't know. Unfortunately, most of the 504 was written in such a way that there would be no way to prove if it was or was not followed, for instance give her warnings for transitions and scaffold assignments. The teachers just blew off things like that. Almost everything was "If DD requests..."...well, they could just claim that DD never requested anything. After a few months, the teachers were aware that I was complaining about the 504 (long story), but I did not confront them directly. One thing I started doing was I ripped the pages out of her planner/calender when the dates passed. I think it scared them a little bit. They knew I had these pages at home with proof that they were not writing in her planner or initialing it. Suddenly they started doing this. If they had asked why I was ripping out pages, I would have just said that it makes it easier to find the appropriate pages in the book, if the old ones are taken out. I guess what I'm saying is that you should collect evidence that the 504 is not being followed and if you can make them aware that you are collecting this evidence, or might be collecting the evidence, without coming across as adversarial, that might help.