Welcome and Hugs.. You are not alone here. My DS16 had a major problems in a pullout gifted program in 6th grade. Major anxiety problems and altogether a terrible year. I chalk at lot of it up to teacher who expected a higher executive function out of DS than he was ready for. (Gifted and High Achiving kids were thrown together.) And the beginning on puberty that has multiple issues from hormones running amok to the craziness that is the social skills even of the average 6th grader.

Stupidly I didn't get him 'tested' until last summer after his freshman year of H.S. He did much better at junior high in 7th & 8th and then began to have problem in a full honors load at H.S. Neuropsych really wanted to label him with ASD but it doesn't really fit, and finally gave up with a "some characteristics of autism" on his report as well as a LD, anxiety disorder and depression.

Good luck and getting your DS the accommodations he needs. In 6th grade we didn't get an official 504 but I got him private therapy for the anxiety and eventually put him in a social skills group. Academically we just backed off, reassuring him that school the next year would be a lot different. Wish I had worked a bit harder on his language processing/essay writing issues.