Originally Posted by eco21268
There is also a 504 accommodation that he will have "peer assistance" with organizing. The teachers said this didn't work, so they stopped doing it. I'm not crazy about that accommodation, anyhow, so I didn't push it.
That is a ridiculous accommodation. Even non ADHD kids need help at this age for organization. Other kids can't be expected to 'help' your child in this manner. My DS's teacher at this age expected the kids to have a 'buddy' in class they could ask about missed assignments if they were sick or missed school. Did not work, the other student was not at all cooperative.

You need to go back to your team and try and set up some better accommodations. It's totally normal to expect students & teachers to keep contracts that both student & teachers sign to check that they understand the homework. This is done in H.S. with failing students, and should be fairly common in junior high. My son had to do one with one of his teachers this fall and it really helped. This was a teacher who is known for miscommunicating what homework was due and the contracts was as much for her as me.