Originally Posted by blackcat
I assume EFD is executive function disorder/dysfunction. DD9 has similar issues and we are in the process of a neuropsych/educational eval. I will update on what I find out in case it helps. He said that it's important the school doesn't think it's "just" ADHD because there is so much more to it.

Thank you! I will be really interested to hear about the results. With my son, the ADHD thing has never really fit because he is neither hyperactive nor daydreamy. Stimulant med has helped, but not with the big picture, only with impulsivity. And his medication makes him miserable, but what can I do? I have suggested homeschool to him (he never takes meds at home) but he is firmly opposed, loves his friends.

The thing he does NOT seem able to do is self-initiate when not interested in the subject, sustain attention under same conditions, switch gears, multitask, etc. He is also pretty terrible at anything related to self care. Sounds like EF stuff to me?

He is deeply reflective and intelligent and highly creative. He is wonderful at music. He is hilarious. He doesn't seem to have motor delays (except maybe in terms of motor planning?), is reasonably athletic, good eye hand coordination (thank you, LEGO), likes to draw, write stories, etc. Affectionate and loving with us at home.

He can also be a giant pain, defiant, angry, prone to withdraw, and has no real desire to be helpful or "play the game" socially in most situations. He does not have much patience or respect for anyone or anything he feels is unpredictable or illogical. Except for his mama, thank goodness.