Hi, Eco--

Originally Posted by eco21268
Current dx is ADHD w anxiety but indicators of developmental issues and going to get neuropsych eval by doc w expertise in 2e.

I think that's a good plan. Gathering more information can be so helpful.

Originally Posted by eco21268
I've asked twice for Spec Ed eval and been refused twice bc test scores and grades were high. Middle school has been nightmare so far. I haven't heard a single nice thing all year. Very poor executive functioning, lacks self awareness, doesn't read social cues and has no ability to "play the game."

You might want to type the word "functional" into the search box at wrightslaw.com. Federal law protects children with disabilities-- not only those with academic challenges, but also those with functional challenges, which can run the gamut from social participation, to self-control, to executive functioning, to pragmatic language, to handwriting, to toileting or buttoning pants.

If your child's deficits in functional skills impact his ability to be successful at school, he is absolutely entitled to a full evaluation, regardless of his academic skills. The information at Wrightslaw may help you make that case-- it did for us.

Originally Posted by eco21268
Teachers have not followed (simple) 504 and seem to range from defensive/combative...to inexperienced/ineffective.

I'm so sorry. Sometimes it is harder for them to understand the challenges of a 2E than a "regular disabled child." Because "if he's so smart why can't he just." It can be so hard to get people to see the gifts and challenges clearly-- the neuropsych report should add data and clinical observations into the conversation and (hopefully) help bring these things into focus for the school.

Originally Posted by eco21268
Just received word that OT has met w teachers and some interventions are planned --I was unaware he'd been screened and have no idea what the findings are.

They are allowed to start services for some time under RtI (Response to Intervention)-- trying things they think might work and seeing if anything helps. The good news is this means they see that there are problems...

Originally Posted by eco21268
Was so happy to find this forum. This has been the most painful year yet. Ironically, I have gifted master's and used to teach in this program. Unfortunately, that's worth less than nothing when it comes to figuring out my own child.

Sometimes it takes a lot of experts to give you the pieces to put together. You'll figure him out.
