Originally Posted by eco21268
Dee Dee, I have finally reached full bore Mama Bear, after the nasty email.

All of what you describe is egregious. I'm glad you're making the principal aware.

Make sure you do this in such a nice tone that you leave them room to turn around and make it right. This is hard (when you are THIS ANGRY) but someone has to act like a grown-up around there, and it's most likely to be you. Calm, measured firmness is your friend.

Originally Posted by eco21268
Not only did I email the coordinator and forward my "evidence," I used the words document, disability implying I want it on record. I am usually much more conciliatory and empathic but I've had enough of this.

I also cc'd my father, who is an attorney, fact of which coordinator is aware.

The thing is: he has not had proper supports in place to succeed. I feel like I need a clearer picture of how he might fare, with his 504 actually implemented and my having a better understanding of his issues. I think I made that clear in my email.

Perfecto. Mastering the lingo helps them understand the situation in a new light.

Well done, Eco! Keep teaching!