Dee Dee, I have finally reached full bore Mama Bear, after the nasty email. Not only did I forward it to the coordinator, I also forwarded previous emails from the same teacher that directly contradicted a couple of his claims:

He stated my son had been disruptive all year, when I had emails saying "behavior is good."

He stated my son did not do a huge painting project, which, in fact, my son LOST attempting to bring home to complete...and which we recreated at home. I had two emails stating the project was coming along well and that my son was on task.

(The teacher told me he would accept it late. My son spent many hours on it, and it's beautiful. The teacher gave him 24/300 points. Yes, after telling me he would accept it.)

I also pointed out to the coordinator that I'd asked both this teacher AND the X-acto knife teacher to move my son close to their desks because he has not been on task in class, and neither of them moved him. To me, that is educational malpractice...kid with ADHD, having med issues, mother asks for extremely simple intervention...

But I digress.

Not only did I email the coordinator and forward my "evidence," I used the words document, disability implying I want it on record. I am usually much more conciliatory and empathic but I've had enough of this.

I also cc'd my father, who is an attorney, fact of which coordinator is aware.

The thing is: he has not had proper supports in place to succeed. I feel like I need a clearer picture of how he might fare, with his 504 actually implemented and my having a better understanding of his issues. I think I made that clear in my email.