Originally Posted by Lepa
While we are on the topic, I have been feeling like I shouldn't really participate in this forum because I do not have a PG child. How do people feel about people with children who are only gifted or HG participating?

Lepa, please do not feel like you shouldn't participate. My DS has been tested privately and by the school and found HG (but 2e) by one and not gifted by the other...a test is just a test and it may find your child's giftedness or it may not- as someone else said it's a snapshot. A lot figures into it, including how old your child is when tested, if they are 2e, if they feel comfortable with the assessor, etc. If you find benefit from what you learn on here, then you need to be here for your child's sake.

I kind of felt like you a bit as I didn't have children that appeared to need or want acceleration, they weren't reading at two, and my DS not only didn't talk early he actually didn't start talking without intervention via speech therapy. So the types of challenges we have are different. But I really have found my tribe here and I have also found that the people with the "poster child" gifted kids are very supportive and have great advice even if their children's giftedness appears differently than mine.

The support you get here does tend to be pretty gifted (or suspected gifted) specific. I really don't think most people would end up here if their kids are not gifted (regardless of testing).

We need to stick together, it's a long strange road we are privileged to travel on with our kids. Our roads will look a little different based on what our children need, but it certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't be on this road.