dusty, my personal philosophy leans towards multiple-intelligence so I am fine with parents who believe that their child is gifted even though IQ test scores fall within the average range. I am thinking of a 2nd grade student I have been getting to know. He isn't academically driven and he is probably an average student but he is a natural leader, widely popular, and has that charisma you cannot teach or learn. If his parents say their son is socially gifted, I wouldn't disagree. Children could also be athletically, musically, or artistically gifted and those things will not show up on IQ tests.

Drive to learn, imagination and creativity are also traits that are not measured by standard IQ tests. So, if parents feel their children are exceptional based on those qualities, then okay, I get that too but...that's really different from insisting that a child's IQ is above 160 when the actual score is within the average range. That would confuse me but I probably would leave it alone.