she would arch her back and scream so I couldnt do up the straps. That was so frustrating!

Okay this is to you oneisenough and to grinity. The above mentioning of arching their back made me think of my friend's babies and major acid reflux. Of course trying to strap a baby into the carseat does not mean it has anything to do with it, but did your babies arch their backs after feedings and if you put them down flat for a nap? My friend is my super expert in the department and is very sensative to those actions b/c her first daughter was spitting up while nursing and not wanting to lay down and very clingy. She didn't think anything of it at first but when she took her in for a well check up she found out that she was not gaining weight and had a severe case of acid reflux. They are coming to discover that a lot of babies diagnosed with colic are babies with acid reflux. Now she has her second baby and she too has the same problems but she was able to watch for the signs and get her help immediately but still she has fallen off the charts for growth. I really don't know why I am bothering you guys with that but just more of a curiousity on my part if your children tended to do the above mention things.