Originally Posted by Grinity
If I could have put him down on that 'sheepskin' thing and done 5 minutes of 'kitchen duty' I'm sure he would be a different kid today, but I'm not sure that I would have been willing to watch him get that mad and that sad. I hope that with support, I would have. ((shrug))

You know I have a couple of thoughts as I was reading through your last two posts. First I really hear some doubt in yourself for some of the choices you made. Okay we all have them at some point... the second guessing is just human nature but just know that everyone takes a different path in this thing called motherhood even siblings from the same family brought up in the same way can have very different styles and I think that has a lot to do with individual personalities such as your statement I quoted above. Even if you had the support during that and people telling you you needed to put the baby down and let him cry for 5 minutes you probably couldn't bring yourself to that point. Maybe a minute OR maybe the whole 5 minutes but I am going to bet you have a high empathy level and really suffer along with the upset person. Some people are like that and others can be a little numb to it (case in point me!)

So please don't second guess yourself because it really doesn't help. In the end you brought up a child (to the age he is now)that I am sure is a wonderful individual. He would have to be if he is your son.