I love my son,and, more importantly, I like my son. If I didn't, it's hard to tell what would have become of us. Because...

...I hated being pregnant and I mostly hate all the things that come with being a mom, except the actual child. I hate cleaning stuff, especially other people's body parts. I hate putting things away. I hate making other people put things away. I hate being awakened in the night. I hate not being able to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I hate not sleeping in. I hate being interupted. I hate pretending that I care when a child goes on and on about something I don't care about. I hate carrying diaper bags. I hate hate hate dealing with car seats (especially in a strange car). I hate vomit. I hate having to remember when to give other people medicine. I hate getting to daycare and then realizing that my kid is too sick and then having to turn around and go home. I hate how other people look at me when they don't like how my child is behaving. I hate worrying that I am messing him up. I hate temper tantrums and time outs gone bad. I hate how much he "makes" me lose my temper.

And despite all this, my son has turned out OK (well, great actually). Go figure!

Feel better wink?