Originally Posted by acs
One of the books we read (You and Your Only Child)made an important point, one that we have taken to heart. That is that parents of only children often feel responsibility to be their child's playmate and best friend. We feel like, since we didn't have sibling for our kids, that we should fill that role. But that is not our job. We are the parents. We do have a couple responsibilities--finding other people (kids and adults) who our children can spend time with and teaching our children to entertain themselves.

Two wonderful attributes (I think) that are seen in only children are an ability to make very close, very fulfilling friendships and the ability to be satisfied with one's own company and not "need" to restlessly fill up every moment with other people. When you volunteer to be your son's playmate, you reduce the chances that he will learn these skills.

We are still in the stage of are we or aren't we with a second child and as the months go by we are closer to the only child decision so I guess, for me, I haven't got to the concept of how to handle an only child so I do appreciate the information you passed along. I quickly went to trying to get her to play on her own when she showed signs of it and I know this was before she was a year old. But again I had that high maintenance baby who never slept and always wanted to sit up in your arms and by the time she showed signs I was so ready. So I am glad that my selfish reasoning corresponds with the advice.