Oh the cliches ... but for me I think that being a mother has been the hardest thing I have had to do but also the most rewarding I have experienced so far. I have worked in the corporate world as a network engineer and project manager and consulted on some major projects as well as been in the academics but none of it compares to being with my daughter. I will never forget the first few months with her and the arguments my DH and I would get into b/c he works so much. I had a c-section and only had him around for a week before he had to go back to work and I had to figure it out by myself. Even today I sometimes feel like a single mother because he works so much. Sometimes being the best means so much pressure put on you or on yourself. On top of no help I had the lovely infant that never slept. I never got a break like most moms did with the 2 hour naps. If I was lucky she would maybe sleep 30 minutes and that was on her best of days. But the funny thing is my mom had to remind me of that a few months ago with my famous comment of "I didn't get a baby. She is not a baby." I had forgot all about that time. But as a toddler I so love my time with my child. From the minute she started walking she became independent which freed me up and really helped in my pressures. As far as the rewarding; a day does not go by that I look into those bright beautiful eyes in amazement by what she discovered or what she said or did. I love seeing the world through her eyes and do not mind saying that she has opened my eyes to new things.

Maybe I am corny and gave you ammo for the soapbox for yet another sappy description of motherhood, but I will take it happily b/c I stand behind my claims.