It is most likely just me...but do you ever think about life before kids and almost morn that part of life? Don't get me wrong my daughter is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me...she is my whole world...but that is just it-she is my whole world. I miss being me! Do you ever miss the old days? In some ways I am disappointed in myself...I wanted 4 kids. I used to LOVE babies (growing up I had pictures of babies all over my room!). Now I know I only want 1 child and if dh can convince me otherwise it will be through adoption, and it will be adoption of a toddler not a baby.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Do you ever miss your old life? I feel very very guilty for missing it so much, but I can't help it (I've tried!).

Last edited by oneisenough; 01/15/09 01:51 PM.