Originally Posted by oneisenough
Originally Posted by acs
And ditto on the "horizontal sensor" DH would have to walk DS for several hours each night before he was completely asleep adn could be put down.

we didn't have any luck with a sling or baby carrier either. I think maybe if i had started that right from day one, she might have given it a chance...but waited until she was a couple months old and there was just no way. ! lol

We used a Baby Bjorn from 3 weeks on and Mr W was facing forward at 3 mos. He had to have his nightly walk or he would NOT go to sleep. We got to where we would transition from the walk to his crib and that worked great.

Currently he needs 1-2 hours outside a day or he drives everyone nuts - rain or shine, cold or warm. We do a nightly walk and Mr W checks things out and listens to us talk.