Thank you all for the thoughtful posts.

acs: Yes, reading that did make me feel better! lol After reading that, it made me want to brainstorm everything I do like about being a mom...there is really a lot! I am glad to raed that other people feel the same way I do.

Grinity: I must admit, I read your post a few times and although I didn't quite feel a cyber-faceslap, it definitely made me think. I read all of the posts about how hard and tressful the school years are for a lot of parents on this forum, but I still have hope that it won't be like that for dd. I know I live in a bubble (dh constantly tells me this!), but I just think it will be ok for dd. First off, I know she is a smart cookie, but I don't think she is anywhere near the level of most of the kids talked about here. Her verbal skills are excellent, and she has other skills that shine too, but think she could enjoy school in a fairly regular program (ie without acceleration etc). I don't know. Even in a different program, she can still be very happy, thus giving me my stress-free break right?! I guess what it comes down to, is that I don't really see her schooling being very different from the average kid...and when I look at the parents of the average kid, they are enjoying the time their kids are in school. Ok, I know this is not making a lot of sense. I am having a hard time explaining what I mean.

Anyhow, I agree that having some things change now would, no doubt, be very helpful. I guess I just don't know where to start. Dd and I have participated in a lot of mom and tot programs...kindergym, art class, dance class, play groups. I suppose it is up to me to make the friends for my dd and then arrange playdates. I have one friend with a child and her baby is just 1 years old. Dd can not stand her. She cries the second they pull in to our driveway and then continues to cry for 20 minutes after they have arrived. I have no idea what is going on there as dd is not the generally the temper tantrum type. She just doesn't like the baby. Soooooo, other than that, there is her cousin (they are good friends) and that is it. So I need to try to meet some people that have kids that i think dd would get along with. I am shy (and a bit anti social!), so this is a big challenge for me, but I will work on it. I really hope that she makes some friends at preschool, but i have a feeling that the whole preschool thing is not going to fly this year...we shall see though.

wow, I am rambling and really going where with all of this!

I know from my posts it sound like I am complaning about everything, and that I can't stand parenthood. That is not at all the case. I have so much to be thankful for and although dd is definitely demanding, she is wonderful. I think there are just some major parts of my life that have changed and are pretty much stuck this way for a long time (if not for ever)...and sometimes that is hard to swallow and it gets to me, especially when i am tired! but life is good regardless.

Thank you all again! I am so lucky to have found this forum and I love reading all of your posts.