Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
See it is all about perspectives and I am sure if I had your path I would have a different take on it all. You have truly done some noble work (I admire you)and if I had found that path I might not been so bored and numb to it all such as in the corporate world. I might be looking you up in a few years for some suggestions when I am ready to go back to work.

I have been in the workforce for 25 years and spent precisely 3 months of that working for a for-profit company and I hated every minute of it. So I completely understand what you mean--we have totally different reference points coming into parenting.

Incidentally, I do see many people coming to work in helping professions after having children. I think that having children can open up a level of empathy and nurturing and compassion that was there all along, but the children release it. So maybe that will be your path. Or maybe you will go back into the corporate world but able to see more opportunities to find rewards in that same work now that you know what to look for. I would never say that corporate work can't be rewarding because I know plenty of folks who do good wherever they go.