Originally Posted by acs
Wow, I'm jealous that your kids would be in a sling! I tried it several times in different positions and all I got was screaming.

He wanted to be upright and moving, but not confined. So, for me, that just meant carrying him with my arms. He was 9lbs5oz at birth and grew quickly so I just remember most of that first year as being soar and overheated. He would do OK in the stroller or car seat as long as we were moving, but as soon as the car or stroller stopped, watch out!

And ditto on the "horizontal sensor" DH would have to walk DS for several hours each night before he was completely asleep adn could be put down.

we didn't have any luck with a sling or baby carrier either. I think maybe if i had started that right from day one, she might have given it a chance...but waited until she was a couple months old and there was just no way. The swing worked for a month or so (on and off) then the bouncy chair worked on and off too for a little while, her playpen had a vibrate setting and that was good for a couple of months...so we had small amounts of time here and there where she was happy. I was so lookign forward to the exersaucer, but that one didnt fly either. She just wanted to be walked around. guess I would get bored of sitting in a swing agter 20 minutes too! Oh and in the stroller she was ok too...as long as I sang the ABC's (and it had to be ABC's, not twinkle twinkle or anything else!) hahaha no wonder I had no friends, I am sure I looked like a big weirdo!

So glad those days are behind me! Thinking of them kind of feels like I made it through major surgery (over and over!), or some sort of survivor show! lol