Originally Posted by oneisenough
One part of my life that I miss so much is school. I wanted to be a university professor, but I have so much education left. It will never happen. That is a goal that I have to let go and it is hard. Another part of my life was soccer. I played very competitve level soccer and I miss that too. That is something that I don't really have the drive for anymore. I am just too tired and honestly I feel too old.

Take one class. I started language class when DS was 2. He is now 13. I have now had 5 years of that language, been invited to Asia twice as a result of the contacts I made through my tutor and am now back in grad school for my second masters--one class at a time. I had no idea when I hired that tutor where it would all lead, but it's been amazing. I honestly just wanted something to keep my mind engaged but it opened up a new world for me.

I know several people who went back to college and then on to get PhD's after having kids. One woman I know got her PhD the same year her son did. Don't give up.

Also, could you find a local league for soccer or even just a few moms to go kick a ball around a few days a week. You must exercise. In fact, that may be just what you need to get energy back.