I second that AMEN! Parenting is simultaneously the hardest and most rewarding thing we will ever do. I still remember the night before my DH was returning to work 2 weeks after DD was born. I couldn't stop crying. I was so afraid of being alone with her and messing everything up. When I finally verbalized "I miss our old life" to DH, I felt like a terrible mom. I knew by then that I was a major perfectionist, but I now believe that these kids make it so much harder than ND kids.

Do you guys have a Parents as Teachers (PAT) near you? I encourage you to look them up or find another organization that can help. PAT assigns a parent educator to your family who visits to see how you're doing. Mine told me that you cannot be a good parent if you don't take care of yourself first. Kind of like the airlines when they tell you to secure your mask before those next to you ;-)

I really believe that, so I agree with prior posts advising you to take care of yourself, however is best for you. My mom judged my DH and I when we would get a sitter for an evening even if DD had a little cold, but we needed the break and the time to reconnect. And for those single parents: I truly don't know how you do it. When DH is gone for 2 overnights, I think I'm going to die.

And I honestly believe that my clingy DD3 needs to learn patience, so if I am in the middle of doing something for me when she 'needs me', I give her the choice of waiting until I'm finished or figuring out an alternative to me. We made lots of progress on this during the holiday break, and life is much better right now.

Another wonderful benefit of PAT was their "playgroup formation" meeting. I joined a playgroup with others who had babies DD's age (which was 1-2 months old at that time). DD is now 8, and some of my closest friends are from that playgroup (and so are DD's). Even if you don't have PAT, find another organization (ie gymboree classes) where you can meet others in the same boat as you. I know it's awkward at first, but now I feel I can share all my 'bad mom' stories with those friends and they do not judge me!

And of course, keep posting your frustrations to this board so all of us will know that we aren't alone in this :-)