I thought I was the only one that can not stand the playdate and being anti-social myself find it hard to suggest such a thing. We have my one friend that I was friends with through school who has a child 2 months younger than mine, but even then it is like pulling teeth to do the play thing. We talk on the phone all the time but actually taking the time to get together and let the kids play ... I think it is easier to sign a bill into law! Also even with her when we are together with the kids the conversations become mediocre and not our usual in depth ones on the phone. Here is the sad/funny thing. DD has a girl in her dance class that will probably be in the same class with her in Kinder. because they live in the same neighborhood and I still can not bring myself to do the play date thing.

And ACS I love your honesty about the hates of motherhood. I am literally checking off your list with yep me too. I do have to admit that pregnancy was not bad for me. I loved it. My only problem was since I had had hip dysplasia as a baby when I was in my third trimester my hips became dislocated so every time I stood up or went upstairs it was painful. Other than that it was a great pregnancy but the delivery not the best.

I so love that my child is pretty independent and so encourage it because if she was clingy I would be up the creek without a paddle. I thank the heavens for that!