Originally Posted by Tallulah
On online message boards the custom is to quote any post you're particularly replying to. If you reread, you'll see that I am replying to a certain post, whose author seems to feel that hunger is a moral issue and that only food which takes hours to prepare can be healthy.

Thank you, yes. I'm aware of the custom on online message boards (I run and moderate one myself). That's why I quoted you, Tallulah, because I found your interpretation interesting, to say the least, and was responding to you.

In any case, this is wildly off topic, so in the spirit of the purpose of the board and the thread: Do the parents here with allergic children think that having a gifted child makes things easier or harder?

I'm thinking that the ability to comprehend the allergy and understand ingredient lists and the like would make things easier when they're younger. However it also seems like it could contribute to the kind of analysis paralysis or anxiety that gifted kids can sometimes be prone to.