Originally Posted by Marnie
I don't think this sort of thing will ever become mainstream, but...if given the choice, would you consider it? To me, it seems like much too great of a risk, but then again, I (and my kids) don't have a life-threatening allergy. I was curious the perspective of someone actually dealing with this every day....would it be worth even considering?

Way too big of a risk from my perspective. I suspect my dd would tell you way too big of an inconvenience too! I think that although there are times that dealing with food allergies is inconvenient and can be time-consuming (like today we're having a bit of a "time" preparing for an away-camp for dd who has some rather unusual foods she's allergic to), but in day-to-day life it's just one of those things for her that's not really ever on the radar - she eats what she eats and avoids what she avoids but doesn't have to invest much time thinking about it. Its sorta like putting on her glasses in the morning and brushing her teeth to make sure nothing gets in her braces - part of her reality but not something she thinks consciously about much.
