Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
The problem is that to a 4yo, it's a pretty horrifying set of bare-faced facts to actually process, what this actually MEANS.


Totally horrifying. OTOH, I think that one of the singular best things that ever happened with our dd on her food allergy journey was when she accidentally (as in, turned the tv on when none of her parents were paying attention) watched a documentary on PBS where a child had an anaphylactic reaction and almost died... that scared the heck out of her but also gave her the reference point that really helped her become a very aware and conscientious protector of her own health at an early age. Now that she's almost a teen she is far and away her own best advocate - even more solid than her very stubborn and not easily intimidated mom smile


Last edited by polarbear; 06/13/14 09:20 AM.