I haven't been here in ages, had a relaxing summer.

Congratulations Dude. Glad your DD is getting herself back, what a journey you took for her. I'll be thinking of you and your wife and some of the girls-development feedback you received in meetings because DH and I have a meeting this week about a jump and based on one comment one of the women made and her rolling eyes when I said DH would be sure to be there, I think we might be hearing something like this. I'm seriously going to try hard not to laugh, because I'll feel like I'm in a movie or something.

Offered homeschooling this summer but DD said "that's a bit drastic right now" and she had a good attitude going in. She's fading now. We're trying to get to Christmas and might take her out then if she's agreeable and still getting sick constantly like she does every year after holiday break. She usually doesn't complain about being bored until at least earl Dec. and she's already complaining.

She got 1 answer marked wrong on the math assessments they're doing now (see below for me asking for input). On the same day it came home for me to sign, she had a math worksheet for homework that had 19 problems of the exact same things she was assessed on and got correct!!

I'm curious about parent input regarding her answer marked wrong on the assessment:

QUES: 426 and 264 have the same digits, but in a different order. Do they have the same value? Explain

DD's answer: They don't have the same value because 426 is geater than 264.

(yes no "r" in greater...otherwise, is this a correct answer or am I missing something? It sounds reasonable to me.) Maybe they mark off for spelling?