Twinkletoes, that sounds just painful. Hopefully your DD can meet some other verbally gifted girls in some other way, are there library activities like a book club, or museum type classes local to you at all?

DS5 started back at his preschool which runs through K. He likes it there and they get free play for actual portions of the day, so it was the least worst option. But it's still disappointing there isn't an ideal option, the academic side of things is not right and the kids are almost all younger, and it's more of an expense than we'd planned for K. I worry he's missing out building friendships with kids he'll be with next year. He seems happy so far.

We're doing some homeschooling which he's just great with, I'd anticipated some sort of opposition from him somewhere along the line as most anything we ask of him he refuses, but it's been weeks now and he's still a model student at home. I can see why people homeschool, it's been fun and it's cool to get to have input into what he learns. It's the first time we've chosen topics versus just following his lead.

Also taking him to a class in a nearby town with mostly 7+8 year olds, he's barely able to manage socially/emotionally, but the instructional level is just SO nice, a real relief to have reached an age he can mix into an older group class well enough to have it work. The truly attentive look in his eyes watching the teacher is awesome to see, he participates with so few objections, it's really neat. And he's going to an occasional activity at a local homeschool coop, the library, starting sports. Still he seems to have oodles of time at home.

Pretty soon we'll start to work on getting a few minor accomodations with his school, figured we'd leave it alone for a while. Getting some books he might want to read out somewhere accessible to him is the biggest one.
