::::::: sigh :::::::: dd8 third grade had her first round of MAP testing today. Its not looking good. She has gone from the 99th percentile to (if the score she gave me today is correct) the 72nd percentile in reading. Her score dropped 10 points from the spring as is now where it was at the end of first grade! She had a lot of anxiety this morning when I reminded her that she had a MAP test this afternoon. I am at a loss... with this score (198) she will be dropped from the gifted program which she needs. Our district does not take outside testing and her WISC was 130. She is defiantely under achieving and we are looking for root causes. I am wondering if maybe there is a LD in there. Her processing speed and working memory scores were significantly lower then her Verbal and PRI.

DS6 first grade starts MAP testing tomorrow. I fully expect his reading and math scores to be higher then hers. Math was the same in the spring. So far his homework has been rather boring to him. For math, they have them practicing writing their numbers and tick tallies. This is the kids doing 2 and 3 digit multiplication and showing an interest in long division! They have started reading pull outs and his reading level I think is at a guided reading level 'm' according to the book they are reading in class.