I'm so sorry to those of you are experiencing a very rocky start to the year already.

DD is happy as a clam on this first day of school as an 11th grader. She has a new best friend who is 16 and is so like-minded that the two of them are spending every mutually free moment on Chatango and together (no, not romantic... it's more like they share the same basic brain or something). If only the bestie were also a study buddy. Ahh, well, we can't have everything I suppose.

She is excited about German and both of her AP classes (Physics and Lit), and has even expressed some interest in American Govt. since this is an election year.

Now, of course, it's early days yet. But I saw some very positive signs today that I've not seen in a loooooooonnnnnng time. She voluntarily took notes from her US History reading, voluntarily wrote everything out and took notes for Physics-- she even did practice problems without any reminders!! No stalling, almost no time off task. It was amazing.

We went to purchase novels for her AP Lit class and it was as though Christmas had come early. Her smile could have lit up Manhattan as I piled on the Camus, Hardy, Melville, and Austen.

None of this would be possible if she were in 7th grade right now. :shudders: I really can't imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.