DD9 seems to be off to a good start in 5th grade, although we've had less than two weeks of school, so it's really too early to tell. The principal and all three teachers have assured me that she'll be challenged, but AFAICT they're still working on beginning-of-year assessments, and aren't doing any actual work yet. OTOH, no actual work = no complaints the work is boring.

Swimming every night seems to be helping with mood / sleep / time management. She's got team practice for an hour twice a week, stroke class for 45 minutes twice a week, and a leveled class for 30 minutes on Monday (which has historically been the day she's had the least energy left for sports).

I've heard no stories of sitting sullenly alone on the curb at recess (which does not mean it's not happening, but at least she's not complaining). The girl who sits next to her in homeroom appears to be becoming a close friend. Fifth graders do Safety Patrol, which is an opportunity to get to know other kids better in a one-on-one or small group environment, which DD finds easier than in the classroom or on the playground. Lunch is coming home mostly eaten.

DD had an appointment with an anxiety specialist last week; too soon to know if that's helping, but we all liked him. He had all sorts of cool toys in his office, and DD ordered a Ball of Whacks and a 2x2 speed cube over the weekend after playing with them during her session.