Well, yeah, but only because I've seen it mentioned here that a good advocacy strategy is to ask for out of level testing and a good way to ask for subject acceleration is to ask to group your kids with others who have a similar MAP test score.
I don't know if we use MAP. I only know it by name from here. I know we use the heck out of some TAKS tests though because every year I see kids wearing shirts that say "attack the TAKS".
My oldest kid's just starting school for the first time. The only decision I had for starting pre-k is whether to tell the teacher or let her discover your child is advanced. My hubby hadn't read that and I guess I hadn't mentioned that part so he proudly told the teacher our kid can read at the meet the teacher event. So the next day I sent in "Flap Your Wings" by PD Eastman and a few days later he said he read it to the teacher. I've heard positive responses back. She hasn't seen his handwriting yet but it's in his backpack so she'll see it sometime this week.
There's not much to ask for. It's a little rural public school. The teacher told everybody she expects the pre-k kids to start reading by the end of the year and she has materials for up to 2nd grade. My sister lives in Florida and says that's super great, she says their public pre-k doesn't do that. She homeschools anyway.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar