Steven, I think I'd have to delve into the relm of phiosophy in order to progress with the art discussion.

My thoughts started off with wondering if it is a travesty even to have such a thing as a MFA. Then I drifted off to comparing an MFA to canned pop music derived from formulae, which though successful can be pretty taseless to me yet still contain some of the feel of art. Yet it doesn't have, to my way of thinking, the soul of art. The edginess. The ability to explore. I then wondered if fine art could be defined completely via math, and if that would change what art is?

And then, there's the elephant who paints... Is it art? Does the elephant need to have a connection with the human soul or is it Art because even though it's not created with human intelligence or human creativity, the end result is how I percieve it.

Is a photograph art? Has the artist done anything other than to identify "gee, this is pretty" and snap something that nature created randomly? Does that mean nature, without anything to say at all, has created art? If a tree fell in the forest and no one was around to photograph it, would it still be art?

Lol, time for my meds.