Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope as you move into graduate school and adult life that you find ways to connect with people you have more in common with. I encourage you to continue to keep an eye on your depression and make sure it is properly treated.

I believe your experience represents a true and not uncommon experience with being PG. Fortunately though it is not the only one. There absolutely are PG kids who are quite happy. I'm the parent of one of them. I believe what parents do makes a significant difference. While we don't have control over our kid's IQ, we do have the opportunity to make a big difference in their experiences by doing things such as:
learning about the social and emotional needs of gifted kids
making carefully considered discipline and lifestyle choices
considering educational alternatives including homeschooling, grade skipping and early college
listening to our kids and being their sounding board and advocate
paying attention to mental health concerns

Parents should be hopeful. The fact that they've made it to this list already suggests they are on the right track.