Originally Posted by Wren
I was interested in the statistic that 75% of HG were introverted. And since this study looked at professions that attracted the extroverted, what was it showing? That highly intelligent, extroverted people climb the ladder of their choosing?

Just an aside, on the introverted, brilliant: a couple -- he the head, she heads one team under him -- parents from DD's class, have success curing childhood leukemia. And they are very nice people. None of those CEO personality disorders. It was in the NY Times a few weeks ago. Contribution to the world from the HG introverted.

Thanks, Wren! I've known many introverted scientists who also fit this model. They are definitely not commonly associated with the particular types of success noted in the OP, but the ones I've known all seem to be pretty passionate about what they do, and many of them don't regret not owning Lamborghinis any more than Jon seems to. wink In all seriousness, the world is probably a MUCH better place for the HG introverts in it.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.