In other words, I see a study like this one and I'm left thinking....
DUH. Is this really news??

School is a safe harbor for kids in that lowest decile-- it's predictable, it's cool in the heat, and warm in the cold, there is food there every day, someone to take care of some medical and hygeine needs, etc, and your only real responsibilities are to follow the rules (which are the same EVERY DAY!) and do what you're told.

Believe me, that sounds like Nirvana for some children. There are plenty of kids who would love to LIVE at school if they only could. Frankly, they'd be better off for it, too.

Studies like this one that show what happens to children of privilege versus children of grinding poverty over their "non-school" time... is unbelievably sad to me. But not surprising in the least.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.