MotherofToddler: I've seen a wide variety of parenting styles in my own middle-class neighborhood, so I couldn't chalk it up to SES. There's one mother nearby who describes her upbringing as significantly more privileged whose parenting style definitely needs work.

It's more about ideas regarding children. A child of an authoritarian background, for example, is likely to parent in that style. One common defense of spankings, for instance, is, "My momma whooped my butt, and I turned out okay."

SES definitely matters when we're talking about gifted children, though, because the free public education system fails these kids so badly. So... can you afford private schools? Homeschooling? Can you take your child to different museums? Summer camps? Can they do extra-curricular activities that teach them to fail gracefully, like sports, music, theater? What about 2E? Can you afford a full psychological profile? Occupational therapy? Lawyers or advocates to help your child get what the law says they get in school?

All of these things take time and money. Your SES may not allow for all of these, or even any of these. And we all know they have an impact on future results.