For logistics the time blocking only works when you don't have specialists as teachers.

+1 deacongirl, although this board tends to skew toward the extremes (PG, 2E) who are an especially poor fit for the system.

I grew up a child of privilege in a small rural town close to a large industrial complex where the school population ran the SES gamut. The biggest difference between me and other kids was not exactly the values but the assumptions. Not graduating from high school was unthinkable. College and a masters or a doctorate were a given.

When a similarly situated friend got the career assessment in middle school and was told she had a future as a hairdresser, her parents laughed it off. When the daughter of blue collar parents was told the same thing her parents were ready to go with the suggestion, despite the fact that her grades were in the top decile. Arguing with figures of authority at school was unthinkable.