Originally Posted by ultramarina
In my city, the library reports you to a collections agency if your books go overdue long enough. "Long enough" isn't that long--a month? Two months? You pay to have the card reinstated--$10, which isn't much, but the collection agency thing probably terrifies some folks.

(Not that this has happened to me. Ahem.)


You too?

In our library, it's anything over a $20 amount. Anything over $10 in fines, and they freeze your card. Which is really a bummer when you can't access the digital downloads, either. Ahem. blush

ETA: I also was talking about library stuff with a middle school English teacher in a neighboring county this weekend, and here's a sad set of thoughts for y'all. These are WORKING poor people, basically, just as a preamble. Even a $10 out-of-city library card is more than some family budgets in her classroom can afford. (Wow. And me? I should know better-- I grew up in a household like that.)

The city library will NOT honor student ID's and give them cards anyway if they reside outside the city limits. frown These are kids. Who need access and do. not. have. it.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.