Originally Posted by jaylivg
Opinion please ,

Today after school DS said he had to move his clip this morning because one of his friend was saying " i'm a dummy " , then the teacher asked who said that ?

Another student ( who always gets on DS' nerves ) accused DS for saying that . DS then raised his voice and said " it wasn't me ! it was student A "

The boy who said it didn't admit it . DS was really mad being accused on something he didn't do , but he had to move his clip because he was raising his voice to his classmate .

I feel like DS did have a reason for raising his voice because he was accused on something he didn't do , and he felt it was very unfair that he had to move his clip for defending himself . I know DS will tell you the truth , if he does it , then he'll tell you he did it .

Should i just let this go or should i send his teacher an email ? On the way home , DS said , when his teacher made him move his clip that's when he really feels like he hates her for being so unfair to him . What bothers me the most is that he's being accused on something he didn't do and of course he's not happy about it .

I am sorry your son is having such a difficult year, honestly, it sounds like a hellish year and I hope you both make it to the end with sanity intact.

That being said, rather then email the teacher, I would talk to your son about the boy who cried wolf.

In all honesty, he may not have said the offensive remark and it is completely unfair that he is being punished for it, but given the fact that he seems to understand that misbehaving is a choice and has decided to continuously misbehave in school (whether it be out of frustration or stress), he has inadvertently put a gigantic target on his own head.

No matter what happens, whenever he denies it, he is probably not going to be believed and will most likely be punished for it.

Trust me, the other kids know this and will be even more likely to blame him for things.

He is in a horrible catch 22 right now.

I would sit down with him and explain the boy who cried wolf analogy so that he understands why this is happening and explain to him that he has to really buckle down, make better choices to try to fly below the radar to get through the rest of the school year.

I am afraid that the two of you are probably not going to be able to change anything right now and are stuck in survival mode.