
I'll second/third/fourth the other replies suggesting technically leaving him in school for the next two weeks but giving him generous time off as needed. OTOH, if you feel that the general lack-of-routine that happens at many schools during those last two weeks will make things even worse at school for your ds, I'd officially withdraw him today. I don't know the policy at your district, but you can find out by calling your district office or looking on your district website - there's a way to do it.

Originally Posted by jaylivg
DH has been talking about homeschool will be a better choice for DS . Less stress for everyone , and the most important thing DS will get what he needs educational wise . He will learn new things if we homeschool him , and he won't lose his self esteem .. he won't feel like why is he different and he doesn't have to deal with teacher who turned this whole year to be a horrible school experience .

Although I agree that you need to change the school situation your ds is currently in, I think there are a few things that might be beneficial to not rushing to homeschool but instead think through your other b&m options. Please know, I'm very supportive of homeschooling and have known many homeschool parents and children who have been very successful at it. What I'd look into in your situation (based on what you've posted about your ds): in spite of all the ridiculousness that is going on at the school he's currently enrolled in, underneath it all, it sounds like your ds has some challenges with social interactions with other children. It might all be related to giftedness and lack of challenge (and certainly there are obvious stressors at his current school). But if there is anything else that is a true challenge in understanding or relating to his peers or in handling himself in stressful situations, those are things that aren't going to go away with homeschooling, but instead homeschooling will give you an opportunity to bypass them for a few years without working on the issue. So my once suggestion is to really think through - was it *all* the school or is there something more going on? And if there is something more, try to figure it out and work on that at the same time you are homeschooling.

Kindergarten and 1st grade was a good school experience , this year , not so much.

It sounds like you've changed schools several times due to relocating (forgive me if I've mixed you up with someone else). Clearly you're in a school that is dealing with your ds in a way that would drive most kids totally off the cliff... but fwiw, *if* there is something else going on other than just a ridiculous school situation, it's not unusual for children with challenges to have them start showing up in school around 2nd grade time frame.

Best wishes,
