I'm not disagreeing with what anyone has stated thus far, however, don't think for a minute that home schooling will solve your child from feeling "Different" Your child is likely to feel different for their entire life. The trick here is to celebrate that, encourage it, and explain why it's a wonderful thing rather than seeing it as the issue many do.

You child will still feel different if for no other reason other than they are home schooled and almost everyone if not every other child they know isn't. It also will be apparent in what will likely be a lack of social opportunities in comparison to children in school outside of the home. If you do home school please go out of your way to ensure many social opportunities are provided. I've know far too many home schooled children who grew up nearly completely unaware of how to interact with anyone outside of their own family and it was excruciatingly painful for them when they did attend HS or College adjusting to that fact.