Polarbear ,

thank you , sometimes i do think he has problems with socializing with his peers. For example , he doesn't know when to filter it . He thinks he's being honest but actually he's hurting their feelings . We try to teach him , and keep telling him , he needs to respect others if he wants to be respected , always treat others the way you want to be treated .

We have neighbourhood friends , and he plays and interacting well with them . His problems most of the time are the talking , and arguing with his teacher . We even told him that those things isn't going to get him anywhere .

We took him to a therapist back in April , but according to the therapist , it is the school that drives him nuts . The therapist can see it from the daily communication card that the teacher just dislikes him so much . She doesn't suggest us to come back again the next time for a follow up . Maybe i should , maybe DS needs to work on some of his arguing problem with the therapist ?

I feel like i am such a bad parent when the teacher sent home note saying DS this DS that .. moved his clips to this and that and will lose recess the next day or detention or inside school suspension . Trust me it is not a good feeling when school complains about DS' behavior . Despite his good grades , now DS thinks he shouldn't take his grade seriously because he said " why should i keep my grade up , i won't get honor roll anyway because of my behavior "
